Calapitter Creations Inc.
Where stories come alive

It all began with a child's wish to have kid-sized books where they could become the character. This wish is now a reality!! Kid's Interactive Walk-in STORYBOOKS™ (K.I.W.i. for short) will inspire imaginative role-play and storytelling for hours of creative fun. "I'm bored" is a phrase of the past.

We provide the settings and kids provide the stories. What child doesn't like to dress-up, be a hero, or tell a funny tale? Our storybooks offer life-size fun with limitless endings.

Children's cognitive, social, and literacy skills improve dramatically with pretend play. K.I.W.i. STORYBOOKS™ presents a wide variety of themes whereby kids can improvise, problem-solve and act out their own story.

(800) 782-8697